Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Your Future Classroom

    If you are like me, you want to have your own classroom sometime in the near future.  So, you are probably saving up lots of ideas.  Problem is, printing all of the cool stuff you find on the internet isn't cheap, and it takes up lots of space.
   What I have started doing is keeping digital copies, instead of printing. 
    I have created a folder on my computer called, "Elementary Education".  In that folder I have LOTS of sub folders for different subjects and different sub subjects.  For instance, my Math folder has sub-folders for Mutliplication, Division, Money, Patterns, etc. 
     I keep great ideas I find for all grades, because who knows what grade I will teach. 
     I am signed up for all types of teacher newletters.  I get at least 4-5 emails a day. "Great FREE Math Sheets", "Fun FREE Printables", "FREE Lesson Plans for Earth Day!"  I go through them quickly and glean the best ideas for my digital file.  When I have my own classroom I will be more prepared!
    In some upcoming posts I will share websites that have great resources.

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